Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Men and Women

Comment to:
This got me wondering -- do men and women communicate differently in your language? Are there different styles of speaking, or different words for men and women to use?
I think in Germany men and women communicate quite similar to for example Canada. In general men talk less, they just say what is needed but not a lot more! Women otherwise like talking about their feelings and emotions. They add more details to their speech, without coming directly to the result.
What do people in your culture think of those who don't follow these rules, ie. men who speak "like women" or women who speak "like men?"
For example, if a guy speaks a lot (with details), it might happen that some people call him "women" or "he speaks like a women". But normaly it is just for joking...

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Interesting ideas, Hanno. So, what about a woman who speaks like a man? What would people in Germany think of her?