Friday, June 20, 2008

Introverts and extroverts

There are two different personality types: Introverted and Extroverted. Extroverts, like Olga, are people who focus outwards and they are quick talkers. Introverts, like me, are people who focus inwards, they are deep and thoughtful people.
Although we are both from different types we have some similarities: Olga said she is a good listener, so I am. Sometimes I like, also like her, feeling active and we
both like a lot of variety in our lives.
However, the differences are clearly recognizable: I like to relax sometimes alone or with a few close friends, whereas Olga likes to be with big groups of people. She enjoys talking with strangers: For example, if someone appears while she is relaxing on a bench, she is happy to talk to a stranger. Me on the other hand, when I am relaxing alone on a bench I often want privacy! I am also much calmer then she is.
I think that you can’t often say one person is extroverted or introverted, because most people are something between: One day they like being open to everything while one other days they like to be alone or in small groups.
A person can only be more often introverted or extroverted.

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