Monday, June 23, 2008


Dear Elly,
How are you? I'm doing fine. It had been a so long time since we last met back in good old Vancouver! I would like to see you again, so I wanted to ask you, if you want to visit me here in Germany. I would recommend you to come when it's warm,but not too hot, so perhaps around Easter?
I have so many places to show you, and we could do lots of activities: First of all, I would show you of course my hometown Heidelberg. We could go to the castle and visit the old town. Not only Heidelberg is nice, but we could go to the Schwetzinger-Schlosspark or Mannheim (a near bigger city). In Germany the distance to nearby cities are always close, so we have a lot to see! One day we can also go to France, for example Strasbourg.
In this time of the year it is sometimes nice to go swimming, or hiking in the mountains around with a fantastic view over Heidelberg.
Evenings at this time are nice to just drink some beers at the Neckarwiese (the boarder of the river) or go out to bars or discos. Sometimes it can be still a bit cold, so perhaps you should bring some warm clothes too.
In Germany it easy to get around with English, but sometimes you need to speak a little bit of German, so perhaps you should learn German basics, with this you will have even more fun!

Your friend,

Friday, June 20, 2008

Introverts and extroverts

There are two different personality types: Introverted and Extroverted. Extroverts, like Olga, are people who focus outwards and they are quick talkers. Introverts, like me, are people who focus inwards, they are deep and thoughtful people.
Although we are both from different types we have some similarities: Olga said she is a good listener, so I am. Sometimes I like, also like her, feeling active and we
both like a lot of variety in our lives.
However, the differences are clearly recognizable: I like to relax sometimes alone or with a few close friends, whereas Olga likes to be with big groups of people. She enjoys talking with strangers: For example, if someone appears while she is relaxing on a bench, she is happy to talk to a stranger. Me on the other hand, when I am relaxing alone on a bench I often want privacy! I am also much calmer then she is.
I think that you can’t often say one person is extroverted or introverted, because most people are something between: One day they like being open to everything while one other days they like to be alone or in small groups.
A person can only be more often introverted or extroverted.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Men and Women

Comment to:
This got me wondering -- do men and women communicate differently in your language? Are there different styles of speaking, or different words for men and women to use?
I think in Germany men and women communicate quite similar to for example Canada. In general men talk less, they just say what is needed but not a lot more! Women otherwise like talking about their feelings and emotions. They add more details to their speech, without coming directly to the result.
What do people in your culture think of those who don't follow these rules, ie. men who speak "like women" or women who speak "like men?"
For example, if a guy speaks a lot (with details), it might happen that some people call him "women" or "he speaks like a women". But normaly it is just for joking...

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is one of the world’s most important fighters against apartheid and for freedom.
Mandela was born in Qunu in 1918. After school he studied law in Johannesburg. He started as herding for his family’s cattle, before he joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1942. His importance in the ANC grew fast: In 1947 he was already Youth League Secretary, and became five years later the Deputy Head of ANC.
His goal in the ANC was to end the unjust system of apartheid in South Africa, for that the ANC was outlawed. For his continue fight he was sentenced to a life term in prison for anti-government activities.In 1990, after 27 years he was released to become President of ANC in 1991 and in 1994 the first democratically elected president of South Africa. Now retired Mandela is still working to raise money for children’s charities.
Nelson Mandela’s high goals for equal rights for everyone, has changed not only the history of South Africa but also of the entire world.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Hanno Gao – Vancouver

I think we should mix all the possibilities:
First of all we need to educate our children about the problems (like Eiji said).
So they can learn form their faults! The best form of teaching them, would be in a sort of role play: this would be learning by playing.
This can only be done, if class sizes are reduced so that the teachers have more time for the children (like Gena said).
If the children don’t stop bullying, their parents should be told about the problem: parents can teach children with other education methods to make them understand.
In the end, if nothing helps: suspending the bullies for a few days from school should be the last consequence!
This would be learning by punishment